Sunday 31 July 2016

[Rule Change] We have an updated rule about misleading post titles

Hi everyone,A little while ago we told you about the misleading title flair. If you happened to miss it, here's a link to the previous post.The three strike rule is no longer in effect, instead we've updated Rule IV:Post titles must be descriptive. Sensationalized or misleading titles will be removed (at mod discretion). No soliciting votes (e.g. "upvote this")!Minor mistakes in the titles will be corrected with flair and/or a sticky comment. A post is misleading only when the title is very off mark or completely inaccurate. Mis-spellings, small missed details, sourcing problems, etc... are NOT misleading. Misleading titles are complete lies or falsehoods.We, the moderators, don't have time to check the truthfulness of each and every post. If you believe a post to be misleading, please report the post or send us a modmail.TL;DR: Instead of just tagging what we already tagged, we will remove them too

Micky Videos 2015

[Rule Change] We have an updated rule about misleading post titles

Written By _BindersFullOfWomen_

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