Tuesday 31 October 2017

My girlfriend created all this from scratch. I still can't wrap my head around how good she is.


Micky Videos 2015

My girlfriend created all this from scratch. I still can't wrap my head around how good she is.

Written By Optiguy42

She told me to show up as Chucky. Oops


Micky Videos 2015

She told me to show up as Chucky. Oops

Written By crampedlicense

someone made a costume of the creepy google street view half cat


Micky Videos 2015

someone made a costume of the creepy google street view half cat

Written By petitbleuchien

Just had my first trick-or-treater of the night arrive. No one will beat this.


Micky Videos 2015

Just had my first trick-or-treater of the night arrive. No one will beat this.

Written By SoDakZak

I decided to go as Freddie Mercury this year.


Micky Videos 2015

I decided to go as Freddie Mercury this year.

Written By nastyshady

Winona Ryder - Imagine being iconic enough that you can be your past self for Halloween.


Micky Videos 2015

Winona Ryder - Imagine being iconic enough that you can be your past self for Halloween.

Written By GallowBoob

My friends 3 yr old son in preschool today.


Micky Videos 2015

My friends 3 yr old son in preschool today.

Written By beastman99

I told my friend his costume was amazing and he said "Shut up, baby I know it."


Micky Videos 2015

I told my friend his costume was amazing and he said "Shut up, baby I know it."

Written By thejohnblog

My girlfriend made these for work to celebrate Halloween and they're seriously freaking me out


Micky Videos 2015

My girlfriend made these for work to celebrate Halloween and they're seriously freaking me out

Written By Katbot22

My wife won her office pumpkin decorating contest after 5 years of disappointment


Micky Videos 2015

My wife won her office pumpkin decorating contest after 5 years of disappointment

Written By Cazzyodo

"What's my age again?"


Micky Videos 2015

"What's my age again?"

Written By dustofoblivion123

My boss on Halloween...so hot right now


Micky Videos 2015

My boss on Halloween...so hot right now

Written By Gar13

My wife as Moana for the kiddies


Micky Videos 2015

My wife as Moana for the kiddies

Written By clee3092



Micky Videos 2015


Written By itsfoine

Aliens Power Loader - 1st Halloween


Micky Videos 2015

Aliens Power Loader - 1st Halloween

Written By WL_26

Okie dokie doctah Jones!


Micky Videos 2015

Okie dokie doctah Jones!

Written By wisestbeer

My coworkers are lame because I’m the only one on my team that dressed up and no one knew what I was


Micky Videos 2015

My coworkers are lame because I’m the only one on my team that dressed up and no one knew what I was

Written By omgxsonny

Enter the Pics Halloween Photo Contest!

It's a Halloween Photo Contest! With prizes!Post your best costume, carved pumpkin, spooky decor, or other Halloween related photo in a top-level comment in this thread. Photos must be your own original content! For bonus points, tell us a little about your submission. You may enter as many images as you'd like, but please include them all in the same comment.↓ The prizesWinner(s) will receive:Flair on r/pics to make your friends jealousA super limited edition pics magnet setThird thingContest ends at 11:59pm PDT on October 31, and results will be announced November 1. "Third thing" is almost certainly reddit gold. Last year's results can be found here.Good luck and Happy Halloween!

Micky Videos 2015

Enter the Pics Halloween Photo Contest!

Written By tragopanic

It was 1983. There was this new show. There was only one thing I wanted to be. Mom delivers.


Micky Videos 2015

It was 1983. There was this new show. There was only one thing I wanted to be. Mom delivers.

Written By McKeddie

Felt lucky this Halloween


Micky Videos 2015

Felt lucky this Halloween

Written By hicao

My wife and I dressed as Thormund and Ygrette this year.


Micky Videos 2015

My wife and I dressed as Thormund and Ygrette this year.

Written By Davecoupe

People told me I look like T Swift so I dressed up as her for Halloween


Micky Videos 2015

People told me I look like T Swift so I dressed up as her for Halloween

Written By BiradialToaster

This dude's Patrick Bateman.


Micky Videos 2015

This dude's Patrick Bateman.

Written By swiftmg

Pennywise drawing. Took me around 20 hours to finish.


Micky Videos 2015

Pennywise drawing. Took me around 20 hours to finish.

Written By hg_art

My friend is going through chemo and decided to use the opportunity to attempt to win Halloween.


Micky Videos 2015

My friend is going through chemo and decided to use the opportunity to attempt to win Halloween.

Written By thenaterix

Hand dryer grafitti


Micky Videos 2015

Hand dryer grafitti

Written By cloudform

Monday 30 October 2017

These fancy cats are seeing god meanwhile I’m starting phase 2 which is me sitting on a stool while 40 gray aliens take turns gently batting my knockers


Micky Videos 2015

These fancy cats are seeing god meanwhile I’m starting phase 2 which is me sitting on a stool while 40 gray aliens take turns gently batting my knockers

Written By NateTrib

Palestinian Wonder Woman makes her debut! (my first cosplay!) x-post from /r/cosplay


Micky Videos 2015

Palestinian Wonder Woman makes her debut! (my first cosplay!) x-post from /r/cosplay

Written By ShesSoBright

I figured this year was perfect to finally become my favourite Blade Runner replicant, Rachael. I used six shoulder pads and a sheet of plastic canvas to get the jacket's iconic shape.


Micky Videos 2015

I figured this year was perfect to finally become my favourite Blade Runner replicant, Rachael. I used six shoulder pads and a sheet of plastic canvas to get the jacket's iconic shape.

Written By restingfuneralface

How do you like your coffee?


Micky Videos 2015

How do you like your coffee?

Written By Outsidecitylimits

My aunt had a pumpkin contest at work. Safe to say she won


Micky Videos 2015

My aunt had a pumpkin contest at work. Safe to say she won

Written By DietDrPeppa

Turned my wheelchair into the Iron Throne for Halloween


Micky Videos 2015

Turned my wheelchair into the Iron Throne for Halloween

Written By shehappens

In the spirit of Halloween - Andy Dick and Tom Green


Micky Videos 2015

In the spirit of Halloween - Andy Dick and Tom Green

Written By mysticalbaby

Witness me!


Micky Videos 2015

Witness me!

Written By bendingunit01

I hosted a Batman themed Halloween party and people NAILED it.


Micky Videos 2015

I hosted a Batman themed Halloween party and people NAILED it.

Written By Regimas

/r/pics September 2017 transparency report

Greetings all, sorry this is a bit late. For the stats, I didn't get an admin response for total number of submissions in September, so I'll just leave that out until they reply.Looking at bansCurrently, we are looking at putting our ban policies into more clear writing and making it more publicly available. Our current ban policies are a little muted and all over the place, so writing this down will be good for us and good for the community. I'm heading this, but am quite busy with personal stuff right now, so no timetable for this.Handling personal info in a crisisMost are probably aware of the tragic and terrible shooting in Vegas earlier this month. /r/pics is glad to be a home to raise awareness for victims and be a place for stories of love, loss, and heroism. Everyone on the /r/pics mods team is moved by these events, and our hearts go out to anyone suffering from this event.All these things said, during the event and shortly afterward, we got many posts from armchair detectives or police radio listeners trying to spread unverified information about suspects or police activity. Spreading information without verification can cause much much more harm than good.With that in mind, we are implementing this policy: we will not allow pictures of crime or terrorism suspects unless at least three major news outlets have published the same picture, and identified the same person, along with citations from the relevant police agencies that confirm it.In addition, we ask that users not post information about police activity during major crisis events as this may jeopardize the lives and safety of LEOs as well as give away information that shouldn't be given away.More info on this can be found here: https://redd.it/73vofoCleaning up rule oneWe are also in some discussion about cleaning up rule one, though I don't have any more information to give at this timeHalloween!Our creative and awesome mods /u/tragopanic and /u/lessons_learnt will be doing some fun stuff for the spookiest month of the year! Please keep an eye out for some stickies for a chance to win some cool stuff!StatsSeptemberDataDifferenceComment3 Month AverageYTDTotal Submissions to SubredditNo DataNo dataWaiting for admin to get back to me on this--274,368Total Moderation Actions40009Down 13000The honeymoon phase is over. Our new mods are worn in and one of our most active is out doing important life stuff. Pshh42742378959Submission Removals10574Down 2000^11371103792Comment Removals11157Down 2000^1129193070Posts Approved2987Down 1000Less posts that need approving, AKA less false positives from the spam filter343235850Comments Approved4698Down 1500Less comments that need approving. Usually this means less comments in general and less false positives.#REF!42559Bans1240Down 200Includes Temp and Perma. No real increase in bans. Despite new mods having access to this tool, they are using it with care!137610680Unbans90Down 20Does not include temp bans exipiring78913Reports Ignored1283Down 1500Please keep reporting stuff! Often times a decrease in this number generally means that there were less crappy things posted that people felt like reporting each other over.165013225Stickies Made318Mostly all Automod14757906Posts Locked2Down 6Very few posts were locked this month554

Micky Videos 2015

/r/pics September 2017 transparency report

Written By allthefoxes

It took 6 years, 4,200 hours and 720,000 photos for wildlife photographer Alan McFadyen to get this perfect shot of a kingfisher diving into the water.


Micky Videos 2015

It took 6 years, 4,200 hours and 720,000 photos for wildlife photographer Alan McFadyen to get this perfect shot of a kingfisher diving into the water.

Written By InnenTensai

My Marvin the Martian costume.


Micky Videos 2015

My Marvin the Martian costume.

Written By sarcausticity

Three girls dressed up as the women portrayed in "Hidden Figures"


Micky Videos 2015

Three girls dressed up as the women portrayed in "Hidden Figures"

Written By 1Voice1Life

Girlfriend and I definitely got some nasty looks at the bar


Micky Videos 2015

Girlfriend and I definitely got some nasty looks at the bar

Written By ByronTheFifth

Wonder Woman Cosplay by Brigitte Goudz


Micky Videos 2015

Wonder Woman Cosplay by Brigitte Goudz

Written By elee0228

Sunday 29 October 2017

Dog in front of a Bonfire


Micky Videos 2015

Dog in front of a Bonfire

Written By sellingspams

My cats are named Bill and Ted. Last night they fulfilled their destiny by meeting their other selves.


Micky Videos 2015

My cats are named Bill and Ted. Last night they fulfilled their destiny by meeting their other selves.

Written By MURPHtheSURF

went as michelle pfeiffer‘s catwoman - did all the white stitching by hand!


Micky Videos 2015

went as michelle pfeiffer‘s catwoman - did all the white stitching by hand!

Written By kris10spot

My friend tore her ACL, MCL and meniscus a week ago. She thought she wouldn't be able to go out for Halloween. I told her if she dressed up as an old rich man, I'd dress up as her escort and wheel her around downtown all night. No regrets.


Micky Videos 2015

My friend tore her ACL, MCL and meniscus a week ago. She thought she wouldn't be able to go out for Halloween. I told her if she dressed up as an old rich man, I'd dress up as her escort and wheel her around downtown all night. No regrets.

Written By sawlostBBDamKing

This halloween, I went as the "Cool S" we all used to draw in middle school


Micky Videos 2015

This halloween, I went as the "Cool S" we all used to draw in middle school

Written By Samattack

I got married to my best friend yesterday & while we didn't love the fact that it rained, at least we got this shot.


Micky Videos 2015

I got married to my best friend yesterday & while we didn't love the fact that it rained, at least we got this shot.

Written By TwoDaysRide

Half my friends went as Game of Thrones characters so I thought I'd pick something scary... most of them didn't get it.


Micky Videos 2015

Half my friends went as Game of Thrones characters so I thought I'd pick something scary... most of them didn't get it.

Written By twistedsymphony

Cat Climbed Into Clear Plastic Flower Pot


Micky Videos 2015

Cat Climbed Into Clear Plastic Flower Pot

Written By Noerdy

Ack ack ack Ack Ack ack.... translation: No one at the party knew who I was for Halloween...


Micky Videos 2015

Ack ack ack Ack Ack ack.... translation: No one at the party knew who I was for Halloween...

Written By stgr6175