Saturday, 30 November 2019

My animal-loving Grammy is in hospice, so we often bring our pets to visit. Today she got to meet our new kitten Mango.

Micky Videos 2015

My animal-loving Grammy is in hospice, so we often bring our pets to visit. Today she got to meet our new kitten Mango.

Written By wilfredthedestroyer

I pulled over while on a road trip to capture this beautiful picture.

Micky Videos 2015

I pulled over while on a road trip to capture this beautiful picture.

Written By TheTrailSeeker

There's no better feeling as a game designer than seeing your game on a store shelf for the first time.

Micky Videos 2015

There's no better feeling as a game designer than seeing your game on a store shelf for the first time.

Written By JephriB

My latest oil painting. Iā€™m obsessed with texture, so I end up going through a lot of paint!

Micky Videos 2015

My latest oil painting. Iā€™m obsessed with texture, so I end up going through a lot of paint!

Written By JoeReimerArt

My mom packed a lunch for me for my flight today. I'm 47 going on 8.

Micky Videos 2015

My mom packed a lunch for me for my flight today. I'm 47 going on 8.

Written By rockstaraimz

Such a powerful picture. Iraqi protestors take over government buildings and sit on the chairs of the elected officials that failed them. This is one such example.

Micky Videos 2015

Such a powerful picture. Iraqi protestors take over government buildings and sit on the chairs of the elected officials that failed them. This is one such example.

Written By badboyballu

I think I got the best Black Friday Deal

Micky Videos 2015

I think I got the best Black Friday Deal

Written By Ay_fresh_start

Soldier carried his service dog down a mountain because it was 117 degrees and the rocks were burning his paws

Micky Videos 2015

Soldier carried his service dog down a mountain because it was 117 degrees and the rocks were burning his paws

Written By wj7_02

My in-laws house in Northern Georgia

Micky Videos 2015

My in-laws house in Northern Georgia


Caged birds think flying is an illness- Honk Kong

Micky Videos 2015

Caged birds think flying is an illness- Honk Kong

Written By IceCrexm

The age of your artificial Christmas Tree can be determined by counting the rings of tape.

Micky Videos 2015

The age of your artificial Christmas Tree can be determined by counting the rings of tape.

Written By gmcl86

The trunk of an oak tree serves as a nest of an albar pine. Both trees are alive and have been sharing living space for more than a century. The pine reaches 15 meters high and is 130 years old, while the oak measures 12.5 meters and is 250 years old.

Micky Videos 2015

The trunk of an oak tree serves as a nest of an albar pine. Both trees are alive and have been sharing living space for more than a century. The pine reaches 15 meters high and is 130 years old, while the oak measures 12.5 meters and is 250 years old.

Written By wj7_02

I made myself and my great dane matching onesies

Micky Videos 2015

I made myself and my great dane matching onesies

Written By EmotionalEchidna

Lets take photos whilst the humans arenā€™t watching

Micky Videos 2015

Lets take photos whilst the humans arenā€™t watching

Written By TheManWhoBecameGod

Scientists have created an algorithm that removes color distortion from objects taken under water. Now you can see their real colors.

Micky Videos 2015

Scientists have created an algorithm that removes color distortion from objects taken under water. Now you can see their real colors.

Written By Tmfwang

Outside my house looks like a horror movie cover

Micky Videos 2015

Outside my house looks like a horror movie cover

Written By bcrock10

My mom enjoying some rare McDonald's pizza

Micky Videos 2015

My mom enjoying some rare McDonald's pizza

Written By B3yondL

I said goodbye today. I miss you so much, Rox; it was a good 16+ years. Godspeed.

Micky Videos 2015

I said goodbye today. I miss you so much, Rox; it was a good 16+ years. Godspeed.

Written By weensworld

Rare moment of stillness for this wild thing

Micky Videos 2015

Rare moment of stillness for this wild thing

Written By oatmealhater

Friday, 29 November 2019

This is probably my best photo I have taken as of yet.

Micky Videos 2015

This is probably my best photo I have taken as of yet.

Written By TheTrailSeeker

Funny, sad, and true all at the same time

Micky Videos 2015

Funny, sad, and true all at the same time

Written By I_Am_Err00r

A treasure trove of thousands of bronze coins found in a ceramic jar at the site of 15th century samuraiā€™s residence.

Micky Videos 2015

A treasure trove of thousands of bronze coins found in a ceramic jar at the site of 15th century samuraiā€™s residence.

Written By wetthing

Ex-Skinhead Gets His Racist Tattoos Removed After Becoming A Dad

Micky Videos 2015

Ex-Skinhead Gets His Racist Tattoos Removed After Becoming A Dad

Written By _Shahnawaz

He didn't want to hold the cane because he was afraid it would make him look "weak". I convinced him otherwise.

Micky Videos 2015

He didn't want to hold the cane because he was afraid it would make him look "weak". I convinced him otherwise.

Written By DemonicWombat

Gifting my puppy her donut toy for the first time.

Micky Videos 2015

Gifting my puppy her donut toy for the first time.

Written By superaeromach

My mom finds old window frames and uses them as frames for her paintings

Micky Videos 2015

My mom finds old window frames and uses them as frames for her paintings

Written By CallMeJeeJ

When I was 17 I started planning a novel about a girl who sells her heart to a banshee. 4 years later, hereā€™s my first go at designing a cover for it.

Micky Videos 2015

When I was 17 I started planning a novel about a girl who sells her heart to a banshee. 4 years later, hereā€™s my first go at designing a cover for it.

Written By 2dogs1kat

Rare pic of new york, from r/interestingasfuck

Micky Videos 2015

Rare pic of new york, from r/interestingasfuck

Written By afirric

Shes got no clue (hopefully)

Micky Videos 2015

Shes got no clue (hopefully)

Written By jtlee3333

A little girl and her horse

Micky Videos 2015

A little girl and her horse

Written By beaverkc

This Art is dope.

Micky Videos 2015

This Art is dope.

Written By Phlogistoned

Almost 18 years old and still sleeping with the toy frog she's had for 14 years

Micky Videos 2015

Almost 18 years old and still sleeping with the toy frog she's had for 14 years

Written By Cryingcheer

This ol'man is fourteen. He's losing his hearing, sleeps all the time and takes longer to get up. Still has the spirit of a puppy though.

Micky Videos 2015

This ol'man is fourteen. He's losing his hearing, sleeps all the time and takes longer to get up. Still has the spirit of a puppy though.

Written By bcah2o

My very focused cat in my garden

Micky Videos 2015

My very focused cat in my garden

Written By MalteBay

Driver feeling threatened by 16yo girl raising awareness for the climate crisis.

Micky Videos 2015

Driver feeling threatened by 16yo girl raising awareness for the climate crisis.

Written By brainwashedafterall

My best mate of 13 years passed away unexpectedly today, he was the best boy anyone could hope for. This is the last photo taken of him earlier in the day. Rest in peace Jet xx

Micky Videos 2015

My best mate of 13 years passed away unexpectedly today, he was the best boy anyone could hope for. This is the last photo taken of him earlier in the day. Rest in peace Jet xx

Written By skydemon

Happy Thanksgiving from Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen!

Micky Videos 2015

Happy Thanksgiving from Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen!

Written By doreymefahkedurmom

She beat cancer. :)

Micky Videos 2015

She beat cancer. :)

Written By sevenview

My dad died 3 years ago today, he always wanted to see a Sandhill Crane Migration but never had the health to do so. Love you dad.

Micky Videos 2015

My dad died 3 years ago today, he always wanted to see a Sandhill Crane Migration but never had the health to do so. Love you dad.

Written By orange__box

Thursday, 28 November 2019

cozy river house with a view

Micky Videos 2015

cozy river house with a view

Written By ywnwalfc

Spending thanksgiving alone this year. I don't usually cook for it, but decided to try this year - Apple glazed Cornish hen with cranberry pecan rice stuffing

Micky Videos 2015

Spending thanksgiving alone this year. I don't usually cook for it, but decided to try this year - Apple glazed Cornish hen with cranberry pecan rice stuffing

Written By snakingfire

I ate sushi for Thanksgiving.

Micky Videos 2015

I ate sushi for Thanksgiving.

Written By theOGofthewest

My first Thanksgiving with my kids since the divorce. I'd say I did pretty good. :)

Micky Videos 2015

My first Thanksgiving with my kids since the divorce. I'd say I did pretty good. :)

Written By hellslave

Love the Finns!

Micky Videos 2015

Love the Finns!

Written By KayleenGH

I lost my Mom in April and my 15 year old daughter stepped up and made Thanksgiving dinner for me, my Dad, and her brother today. She nailed it.

Micky Videos 2015

I lost my Mom in April and my 15 year old daughter stepped up and made Thanksgiving dinner for me, my Dad, and her brother today. She nailed it.

Written By scottjeffreys

This is without question the finest piece of graffiti I've ever seen. I can't stop looking at it šŸ˜ The artist is Odeith.

Micky Videos 2015

This is without question the finest piece of graffiti I've ever seen. I can't stop looking at it šŸ˜ The artist is Odeith.

Written By cervantes-loves-ai

The last few months have been rough for my wife and I because our vehicles have both stopped working and we've had to Uber our four kids around. My parents (who live three states away) showed up to our house for Thanksgiving brunch today driving this.

Micky Videos 2015

The last few months have been rough for my wife and I because our vehicles have both stopped working and we've had to Uber our four kids around. My parents (who live three states away) showed up to our house for Thanksgiving brunch today driving this.

Written By isaiahjc

Spirited away by LowCostCosplay

Micky Videos 2015

Spirited away by LowCostCosplay

Written By supremegalacticgod

To all the single people, living alone and away from family today - Happy Thanksgiving

Micky Videos 2015

To all the single people, living alone and away from family today - Happy Thanksgiving

Written By MeJerry

New York from above.

Micky Videos 2015

New York from above.

Written By tnuCevoL